Senile Donald Trump unravels on Fox News

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Everybody’s talking about it. Are you? The chatter is up and down and all around as masses of people excitedly chirp away, like little gossipy birds, about the rambling man. The rambling man is a personality known to us all. Usually appearing in orange, he is to America, an evil entity, a strange and vulgar force that almost nobody wants around.

His name is Individual One — AKA the felon — Donald J. Trump. My friends, EVERYBODY is talking about what a fool he made of himself — on Fox News.

“Couldn’t answer a question.” It was a humiliating interview for the traitor. He held a town hall, where bacon was once again the subject of the day. Bacon—and how much it costs.

The train was off the tracks from the beginning as Trump inexplicably tied the cost of bacon to the war in Ukraine, vexing almost everyone watching who had no idea what the man was talking about.

“His brain’s gone.” This comes from TV writer Ben Siemon, though many others said the same thing. Here was the question asked of him, and here was his answer. Fox’s Harris Faulkner: “How can we help people afford bacon?”

Trump — “there wouldn’t have been an Ukraine and Russia. There wouldn’t have been an October 7.” Trump’s brain has turned into a frying pan, but it’s not bacon that’s sizzling; it’s his bizarre behavior that is once again taking center stage.

Nobody — and I mean NOBODY had any idea what he was talking about and still doesn’t. Are we wrong? Is bacon the evil that started Putin’s war? Of course not! On the plus side, there was not much Hannibal Lecter in that interview.

In all seriousness — the media (as usual) is not covering this properly. There is something very, very wrong with the rambling man. His campaign should not allow him to ramble on, free and unfettered, because when he does, he ALWAYS goes into the mist and gets swallowed up by his absurdities.

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