Senile Donald Trump thinks he was on criminal trial in Washington DC earlier this week

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Donald Trump tried to give a speech today, which is a problem for him given that he often no longer knows where he’s at or why he’s there. It’s not just that Trump seems to have no idea what city or state he’s in. It’s getting worse than that.

Trump now thinks that he was on criminal trial in Washington DC earlier this week:

Trump was in DC a few days ago, but it was to meet with Republican members of Congress. Yet Trump’s dementia symptoms are now so bad that he has a false memory of having been on criminal trial when he was there. This suggests that his memories of being in DC last week, and his memories of being on criminal trial in New York last month, have merged together.

This is part of a constant pattern when it comes to Trump’s cognitive collapse. He keeps merging two different people together into one person: Biden and Obama. Jackson and Johnson. Haley and Pelosi. And now he’s merging two different events together as well. This is only going to get worse in the days and weeks ahead.

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