Senile Donald Trump stops town hall after a few questions, insists on standing there listening to music the whole time instead

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Donald Trump tried holding a “town hall” in Pennsylvania this evening. In order to help him get through it, his handlers ensured that the audience asking the questions consisted of his supporters, and his handlers put South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem on stage with him. But even with those guardrails, Trump still managed to go off the rails. All the way off the rails.

After taking just a few questions (and telling people to vote for him in January), Trump froze up in what appeared to be a severe cognitive episode, and then insisted that he and the crowd spend the rest of the event listening to music instead. Trump then proceeded to stand there on stage for another thirty minutes before he was led away.

This represents a full 100% cognitive shutdown on Donald Trump’s part. He obviously had no idea why he was on that stage, or what he was supposed to be doing there, or why taking questions mattered. His dementia-riddled brain instead simply decided that he’d rather listen to music than talk, and so that’s what he did. He’s just that far gone. When is the media going to admit that Trump has gone 100% senile?

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