Senile Donald Trump just stepped in it

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If you’re closely following politics, it’s easy to understand what Donald Trump is trying to do with the border. He convinced House Republicans to kill President Biden’s bipartisan border deal, so that the border will continue to be a problem, so that Trump can campaign on the issue.

The way this is supposed to work is that most people don’t closely follow politics and therefore won’t know that it was Trump who sabotaged border security. Most voters (wrongly) think of the Republicans as being better on the border issue, so a broken border should benefit Trump in 2024. Trump killed the border deal, but he’s not supposed to be out there admitting it.

The trouble for Trump is he’s way too far gone to understand or remember how this kind of strategy works, and so he’s out there bragging about having killed the border bill:

This is like committing a crime, covering it up in the hope no one will notice, and then screwing up and confessing to the crime anyway. Which come to think of it, Trump has done as well. And he wonders why he’s now a convicted felon awaiting additional criminal trials.

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