Senile Donald Trump has no idea what’s even going on during campaign speech

Donald Trump’s senility has gotten so bad that he now thinks Nikki Haley was Speaker of the House and that George Conway is a city in New Hampshire. Trump also thinks Barack Obama is the current President, and he doesn’t seem to remember anything about his Barron other than that he’s tall.
Trump also has no idea what’s even going on with his own campaign. He’s apparently under the impression that he’s not even running campaign ads:
Trump, who has aired many ads, claims he doesn't air ads because "so far we haven't needed them"
— Kamala HQ (@KamalaHQ) January 21, 2024
Huh? Did Trump really tell his own people not to run campaign ads? If so, have they been running ads behind his back? And is Trump so oblivious to reality that he hasn’t noticed his own ads when they come up on TV? What is going on with this guy? He seems to have no cognitive marbles left at all.
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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report