Senile Donald Trump goes insane about “Kamabla” Harris

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Donald Trump loves handing out insulting nicknames as if elections were a reality show contest. But with Trump’s cognitive abilities failing him, lately his nicknames have become less imaginative and more repetitive than ever. In fact he just referred to Kamala Harris by a name so dumb that it’s difficult to figure out if it’s a nickname or merely an unintentional typo.

In a bizare social media post this evening, Trump referred to Kamala Harris as “Kamabla” while screaming things like “DEPRESSION ANYONE!” In a separate post Trump went on to declare that “People vote with their STOMACH” (and here we thought they used their hands) before once again referring to his opponent as “Kamabla.”

Kamabla? Really? Given that Trump can’t spell worth a damn, this could simply be yet another instance of Trump’s illiteracy. Who knows at this point? But Trump’s brain is continuing to melt, and the things that he says are only going to get dumber and weirder.

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