Senile Donald Trump gives rally speech in Pennsylvania, thinks he’s in North Carolina

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Part of the reason Donald Trump’s babysitters have been keeping him off the swing state campaign trail of late is that he keeps getting his feelings hurt by his inferior crowd sizes. The other part is that Trump is straight up senile, and the more they put him out there, the more everyone is going to see it.

But with Trump falling further behind in the polls since he abandoned the campaign trail, his babysitters now have him doing a rally in Pennsylvania today. That’s a good idea, since he’s falling behind there. The problem for Trump: he took the stage and promptly announced that he’s in North Carolina.

In fairness to Trump, he is falling behind in both Pennsylvania and North Carolina, so no wonder he’s getting them confused for each other. But come on. Trump thinks Nikki Haley is Nancy Pelosi. He thinks Biden is Obama. He thinks Mike Johnson is Ronny Jackson. And now he thinks Pennsylvania is North Carolina. He’s completely gone.

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