Seeking revenge

So we have even more reasons to make sure we are victorious in the November midterm elections. House Republicans have threatened revenge on the January 6 Committee should they retake the House. They have vowed to subpoena the Committee’s records in order to undercut all their major findings. That is why we must win in November.
Ever since the Committee subpoenaed Republican members of Congress — including the House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Representative Jim Jordan — GOP members have been threatening retaliatory subpoenas. Once they have their grubby little hands on the Committee’s records, you can expect them to go over every page in search of the smallest procedural error or ambiguity. It will be at that point that they will launch a full-throated witch hunt and McCarthy-era style denunciation of every member of the committee, including Republican members Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger.
Republicans plan to launch a “full investigation” into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with their investigation of the members of the January 6 committee as one of its top priorities next year. The attack on Speaker Pelosi, in classic Republican victim-blaming style, is in support of the discredited conspiracy theory that the Speaker is largely responsible for the January 6 insurrection because she didn’t provide adequate security to thwart it!
Some House Republicans also plan to subpoena Cassidy Hutchinson in an effort to discredit her Trump-damaging testimony. They will try to humiliate her on national TV. That would have a potential chilling effect on any such future honest testimonies or whistle blowers.
From there you can expect them to behave even more like truculent kindergarteners out for retribution in other ways too. Should the House garner enough Republicans for a shot at it they will probably also impeach President Joe Biden, not just once but multiple times, in order to get even with Democrats for Trump’s twin impeachments.
That is the Republican way. They bemoan witch hunts by promoting witch hunts. They protest stolen elections by trying to steal elections. They whine about partisan motives while everything they do is partisan.I cannot think of a more flagrant example of open hypocrisy anywhere to equal the hypocrisy of Republicans in Congress. That is why the Republican Party must go. That is why we must win in November. Failure is not an option. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

Robert Harrington is an American expat living in Britain. He is a portrait painter.