Sebastian Gorka just came front and center in Donald Trump’s whistleblower coverup

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Donald Trump’s whistleblower scandal now involves Trump trying to conspire by phone with the Prime Minister of Australia, Bill Barr traveling to Italy to try to conspire with any foreign nation willing to talk to him, and Rudy Giuliani doing Rudy Giuliani things. The only way this whole scandal could get any more surreal would be if alleged Nazi and confirmed white supremacist Sebastian Gorka got involved. So naturally, Gorka is now involved.

Josh Lederman of NBC News just posted this surreal tweet: “Sebastian Gorka is traveling with Mike Pompeo to Europe, Abigail Williams reports. He was seen getting into a State Department van headed to Joint Base Andrews for departure.” Okay, wow, where do we even start? Gorka used to work for the Trump White House, until Gorka’s white supremacist nature became such a PR problem, Trump ended up sending him packing.

But no one ever believed that Sebastian Gorka really left the fold – particularly after the Trump regime hired Gorka’s wife to a high profile job. Sure enough, now he’s back. It’s not clear what he could possibly bring to the table, beyond deranged far-right conspiracy theories and smug faux-intellectualism, but he’s clearly part of this coverup in some way.

A few things stand out here. First, though we still have no idea who in the Trump White House decided to start putting the evidence of Donald Trump’s embarrassing communications with world leaders on a secret server, it’s worth noting that Gorka did work in the White House during the timeframe when that practice is believed to have started. So at the least, he may know something. Second, the White House threw Mike Pompeo under the bus today. Third, with Bill Barr already in Italy for criminal reasons, are Pompeo and Gorka headed to Europe to conspire with him? This is the dumbest coverup of all time, and it keeps getting weirder.

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