Is Robert Mueller investigating Sean Hannity too?

Fox News host Sean Hannity has long had an inappropriately and bizarrely close personal relationship with Donald Trump. There are widespread reports that Trump and Hannity speak by phone on a regular basis, with Hannity giving Trump advice on how to run the country. Now it turns out Hannity also has a bizarre personal relationship with Paul Manafort – and that may have put him on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s radar.
During the inauguration, Paul Manafort appeared on-air with Sean Hannity so they could both gloat about Donald Trump’s illegitimate victory. Here’s what Hannity said to Manafort: “You and I stayed in touch, when you were in the campaign, when you left the campaign, you never lost confidence.” Hannity then went on to reveal that he had spoken with Manafort a week before election day (video link). This footage went completely under the radar until it was unearthed by the Democratic Coalition. It reveals something startling.
It would have made sense for a cable news host to have been in regular contact with a campaign chairman during an election cycle. However, Manafort resigned from the Donald Trump campaign four months before election day, and yet he continued to communicate with Hannity all the way up through November. What possible reason would they have had to have continued communicating after Manafort was (supposedly) completely out of the election picture? Robert Mueller may already know the answer.
Keep in mind that Paul Manafort was under secret FISA wiretap surveillance during this timeframe. It’s likely that Sean Hannity’s phone calls with Manafort were automatically picked up on that wiretap. That means Robert Mueller has them. These calls certainly weren’t about the weather. Hannity had sure better hope he didn’t discuss anything illegal with Manafort during those phone calls. If he did, then Mueller is surely already investigating him.