Sean Hannity just found a new way to humiliate himself

Groundhog day. I really do believe that is the place Fox Non-News pundit Sean Hannity finds himself. Hannity does not seem, rain or Shine, to be able to stop making a fool of himself with Donald Trump.
Anytime Hannity interviews the traitor, one can expect Hannity to try to manage the orange dumpster, to try to guide him, to gently try and elicit answers that he, Hannity, wants to hear. It never works. It never will work.
That is because the only people who can MANAGE Donald Trump are lawyers, judges, and the United States prison system. Hannity, to the best of my knowledge, isn’t any of those. That did not stop him, of course. With a whole lot of desperation in his voice, desperation SO large one could practically SEE it, Hannity , pleaded with the traitor to say he’d never misuse his powers and be a dictator.
“You are,” Hannity asked pleadingly, “You are promising America tonight you would never abuse this power as retribution against anybody?”
“Except for day one,” Trump answered, voice a monotone, undoubtedly shedding what (little) dignity Hannity had left. It was a remarkable interview for two reasons. One is the insanity of Mr. Hannity. Hannity may never have heard the expression, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
Hannity may actually believe in Donald Trump. I say this because the man humiliates himself time and time again and does not learn ANYTHING from his vast mistakes. The second reason why this interview was so eye-poppingly insane is because Trump isn’t even trying to hide it anymore. He says he’d be a dictator on day one.
And anyone who thinks it would ONLY be on day one, well all I can say is I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Hannity really needs to take a chill pill. The bottom line is his Groundhog Day will continue until he gives up on trying to steer Donald Trump toward the truth. This cannot be done, and the sooner Hannity realizes it, the better.