Sean Hannity circles the drain

As the world has watched Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Trump-Russia treason, we have learned to identify how nervous Donald Trump is feeling simply by observing his pattern of tweets. On a typical day, Trump normally attacks a few of his perceived enemies when he wakes up. That has come to be expected. A sign of increased apprehension is when Trump sends his daily attack tweets but also retweets some of his own from previous days that have already riled up his base. On days of extreme anger or anxiety, Trump will do all of the previously mentioned but also retweet several of his most ardent supporters. The peak of Trump desperation, often foretelling a bombshell news story, is usually marked by complete Twitter silence. Then there’s Sean Hannity.
Hiding in silence is not a luxury afforded to someone whose job involves discussing Donald Trump on television five nights a week. This can be increasingly difficult when the individual is also involved in Trump’s scandals. Another source of worry for Sean Hannity is that Trump’s personal fixer, Michael Cohen, has claimed in court that he was Hannity’s lawyer. With the revelation that Cohen frequently recorded his clients, if Mueller does not already have tapes of Hannity, he likely will soon. It appears that all that stress has pushed Hannity over the edge. Following Trump’s recent hate rally on Tuesday, Hannity made excuses for the rabid Trump supporters attacking members of the media, including CNN’s Jim Acosta.
Opening his Tuesday night show, Hannity directed criticism at Acosta, saying “The people of this country are screaming at you for a reason. They don’t like your unfair, abusively biased treatment of the president of the United States” ( On Wednesday, Acosta tweeted an accurate and appropriate response, calling out Hannity’s unhinged behavior: “Hannity is a propagandist for profit, peddling lies every night. He says he’s just a talk show host, not a journalist. But he’s injecting poison into the nation’s political bloodstream warping public attitudes about the press. I’m confident in the long run the truth will prevail.”
We know that Sean Hannity, during frequent late night phone calls with Trump, has helped to conspire against the United States by inventing false talking points and propaganda. It is important to understand that Mueller is well aware of all of this. The truth about Hannity’s involvement in the coverup of the worst case of treason in American history will become public. Depending on what he does going forward, Hannity will either end up in prison or as a disgraced former entertainer, but never a journalist.

I’m a ceramic engineer living in Central New York, avid sports fan but find myself more interested in politics lately.