Score one for Dr. Jill Biden

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First Lady Dr. Jill Biden has taken an active role in stumping for the Biden-Harris campaign – appearing regularly at political rallies and events when Joe Biden ran for president four years ago, and later on for down ballot candidates in 2021 and 2022.

Her Wednesday appearance on The View showed why she’s a more powerful surrogate than ever, as she didn’t mince words when making the case to the audience why they need to get behind the re-election campaign in 2024. The choice, as the first lady lays it out, is between a good, strong capable leader as we already have in President Biden, or chaos, which we had our share of the last time the former guy occupied the Oval Office.

Perhaps the finest moment for Dr. Biden, though, was when she called out the very real possibility of who might replace Clarence Thomas or Sam Alito on the Supreme Court: “Can you imagine if we put any more Republicans on the Supreme Court? WE WILL LOSE ALL OF OUR RIGHTS!”

The RNC Research page on social media tried to frame this as the first lady losing her composure, but outrage is really the only way to respond to the way that the GOP has hijacked SCOTUS, with a majority that barely pretends to be nonpartisan anymore. This is how we all need to react as we drive turnout and voter registration to win on Nov 5.

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