Score another one for President Biden

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One of the GOP’s favorite talking points is how nothing is affordable – and they did it well before inflation became a national issue again. They’ve always liked to brand themselves as the fiscally responsible party, but because they’d rather have a problem to run on than actually fix something, they never actually have practical solutions to anything they complain about.

President Biden, by comparison, has spent his first term working tirelessly for the middle class, building an economy that works for everyone, building from the everyday worker on up, and now he has a plan that actually will lower costs of living significantly that he announced on Tuesday: the White House capping annual rent increases at 5%, and those who raise it more would risk losing federal tax breaks, while also repurposing public land to build more affordable housing.

This is especially significant because the cost of housing may be the single biggest driver of inflation – but of course Republicans would rather do the opposite and give their donors a tax cut that we would ultimately end up paying for. The contrast has never been clearer: While President Biden is fighting to lower housing costs, Donald Trump is looking to rip off the middle class even more than he tried four years ago, as Project 2025 would eliminate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as well as rental assistance programs. This is why it’s imperative to re-elect President Biden and give him a trifecta on Nov 5. Donate

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