Score another one for President Biden

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“Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans,” is the cry you hear during election season (particularly the more important elections, but the fact is that no one seriously believes it. Those on the left have a tendency to do it when they don’t feel their top causes are being addressed, and those on the right generally do it when they can no longer rationalize voting Republican. It’s never been true, of course, and the disparity has never been clearer than it has been over the last four years.

Although medical debt has long been a fixation on the left, under Democrats, we not only have the lowest rate of uninsured Americans in history, but Democratic governors state by state have bought up medical debt with pennies on the dollar. Now, the Biden administration is taking things a step further, by encouraging action from the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau to prevent any medical debt from affecting consumer credit reports – meaning anyone who incurs medical debt will no longer be prevented from purchasing a new car or starting a business due to having suffered a medical emergency.

It’s yet another way the Biden administration has improved the quality of life for millions of Americans, and a stark contrast to the GOP, who not only tried to gut the CFPB under the administration of the former guy, but has vowed to repeal the Affordable Care Act should they ever retake the White House. The GOP couldn’t be further out of touch with every day Americans if they tried, and it’s why we need to re-elect President Biden with a Democratic trifecta on Nov 5.

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