Turns out Donald Trump really is trying to scapegoat Mike Pence

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When Donald Trump announced earlier this week that he was putting Mike Pence in charge of the coronavirus response, Palmer Report pointed out that there’s only one reason you’d put a prominent underling in charge of a project that’s guaranteed to fail: you need a scapegoat. Now Trump’s latest moves are leaving no doubt whatsoever that he’s indeed trying to scapegoat Pence.

It all became clear when Donald Trump decided on Friday night that the coronavirus threat in the United States is a “hoax” invented by the media, the Democrats, and whoever else might be in on the conspiracy. Wait, didn’t Trump just put Mike Pence in charge of the coronavirus threat in the United States? Yes he did. That means Trump is telling everyone that Pence is in charge of cleaning up a problem that – as of this moment at least – somehow doesn’t even officially exist.

You see where this is going, right? We don’t know how far the coronavirus will spread in the United States, but it’ll likely be sufficient enough to expose the Trump regime’s inept inability to handle the situation. And we already know that the international crisis alone is going to have a major ongoing negative impact on the U.S. economy that’s already hitting the stock market, and will soon start showing up in monthly and quarterly economic indicators.

Once this has all gone catastrophically enough for the Trump regime that even people with their head in the sand start to take notice, that’s right about the time that Donald Trump will start telling us that this was a hoax, until Mike Pence took charge and found a way to screw it all up. This won’t be a believable scenario, of course. But Trump will be able to shift at least some of the blame to Pence, and it’ll dirty up Pence to the point that Trump can replace him on the 2020 ticket with someone like Nikki Haley if he wants. Trump is disgracefully using a global pandemic to play this sick game – and yet all he’s really doing is shuffling deck chairs on his own personal Titanic.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can