Sarah Huckabee Sanders goes off the deep end after Michael Flynn confirms his guilt in court

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So much for the popular right-wing conspiracy, briefly perpetuated this week by Michael Flynn himself, that Flynn is somehow an innocent guy who was entrapped by the FBI. After a judge called him out today, Flynn admitted in court that he did indeed knowingly lie to the FBI, and that he knew it was a crime. The judge then delved into Flynn’s more serious crimes, and flat out asked if Flynn had committed treason. Then came Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ attempt at turning this disaster for Donald Trump into a victory. It didn’t go well.

One almost had to wonder if Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who is roughly as incompetent at her job as anyone else in the Trump regime, even bothered to check the news before taking the podium this afternoon and delivering her scripted lies. She told reporters that Michael Flynn was ambushed by the FBI, just minutes after Flynn told a judge in front of reporters that the FBI did nothing of the sort. It’s one thing to lie, which Sanders does every time she opens her mouth; it’s another to tell lies that are already obsolete.

She then went on to tell the usual semi-coherent lies about who’s going to fund Donald Trump’s magic border wall. This was to be expected, as Trump has alternately taken the positions that the wall has already been built, that it needs to be built, that Mexico is already locked into paying for it, and that Democrats need to pay for it. Trump and his remaining henchmen also can’t seem to make up their minds anymore about whether he’s willing to shut down the federal government as part of his plot to get his real/imaginary wall funded by Democrats/Mexico.

But what stood out here is that, even as so many of Donald Trump’s other henchmen are running away from him, Sarah Huckabee Sanders is as eager to prop up his criminal endeavors as ever. Trump is clearly going to prison; at this point it’s fair to ask if Sanders’ antics at the podium rise to the level of obstruction of justice, which would send her to prison too.

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