Everyone piles on after Donald Trump’s idiotic San Antonio flub

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Donald Trump gave a fifteen minute speech on Saturday that was so lifeless, we’re not sure his eyes were open for more than three of those minutes. He mostly rehashed and expanded upon his existing ridiculous claims and racist lies about the U.S.-Mexico border. But he did have one bit of new material, and let’s just say that he might want to drop it from his act.

During his speech, Trump began touting the effectiveness of the border wall in San Antonio, Texas. The trouble: where do we even start? First, San Antonio is more than a hundred miles from the Mexican border. Second, San Antonio has no border wall of any kind. In fact if you’ve been there, you know that the closest thing to a “wall” is what’s left of Alamo.

We’ve racked our brains, and we can’t think of a worse example of the pitfalls of relying on a fixed fortification than how things ended for the people who were inside the walls of the Alamo (hint: not well). The internet was naturally swift in its response. One Twitter user known as Smocking Gun, who lives in San Antonio, put it this way: “Can confirm no wall. Lots of wonderful people from Mexico and great tacos but no wall.” Others posted maps showing just how far San Antonio is from Mexico.

So it wasn’t exactly a banner day for Donald Trump. He once again failed to convince the Democrats, or the American public, to give him funding for his racist wall. He also revealed that he knows little about geography, Texas, history, or even what walls are. Tomorrow he’ll find a way to say something even stupider.

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