Samuel Alito scandal takes another surreal turn

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Some things in life make one chuckle. One of those things is seeing the right person get what they deserve. It’s been a terrible week for Scram Alito. The extreme Justice has been under fire as never before.

Now remember, dear readers. Remember when I predicted just this week that we might hear a few peeps from Scram’s neighbors very soon? Well — that day is now. It seems several neighbors are speaking out about good ole Sammy and his wife. What they’re saying is guaranteed to put a withering scowl on the face of the lowest Justice in history.

Daily Beast says several of Alito’s neighbors feel “DISMAYED AND ALARMED” by the flag drama. The daily beast talked to people on every side politically. The ONE THING they all had in common? They all seemed to agree that Alito’s behavior was disgusting.

“About as dishonest as it gets,” said one neighbor, referring to the displaying of the MAGA flag. Another neighbor called the display “inappropriate.” Another neighbor spoke of a conversation she’d had with Alito’s wife after Roe was overturned. The neighbor said it was “a difficult issue to which Mrs Alito reportedly retorted ‘It’s not that difficult at all.”

But it’s not just the neighbors. Alito’s wife reportedly kicked a Washington Post reporter off her property. “Get off my property!” That’s what Alito’s wife reportedly told Washington Post’s Robert Barnes, who, it seems, had an encounter with the happy couple in 2021. He says the encounter was “unpleasant” with Mrs. Alito telling him to get off her property.

Gosh but these two are merry rays of sunshine! Like husband, like wife, I suppose. Alito’s wife also told the reporter that flying the flag was “an international signal of distress.” Say, WHAT?

Barnes said Ole Sammy cut into the conversation, personally escorting his furious wife to their car. He then told this reporter that no political statements were being made. But all was not over. Alito’s wife repeatedly got out of the car and went wild, screeching, ‘Ask them what they did!!’ referring to the neighbors.

How lovely! I didn’t know we were all back in Kindergarten. Will Mrs. Alito start hollering, “I’m gonna tell the teacher” next? But wait! Mrs. Alito was not yet done. She then brought over a novelty flag asking, “Is this better?”

Wow. Can one say “issues?” As I began this article, I remarked on seeing the right people get what they deserve. It does not happen that often, my friends. It IS happening right now to Alito, and this writer could not be be happier.

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