Samuel Alito scandal just took another ugly turn

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It hard to believe for this writer to write these words. But it’s happened AGAIN. More dirt has come out regarding Extreme Court Justice Alito, his wife, and their neighbors. This story is just breaking as I write these words. But if true, it’s more than a red alert; it’s a fire alarm for Justice Alito.

Emily Baden, a neighbor of the Alito’s, recounts a chilling experience. She was unnerved by a ‘large black car’ that she believes is part of the couple’s security detail. According to Baden, this car started parking in front of her mom’s house and just sat there.

“The message was, we could do terrible things to you, and nobody would be able to do anything about it.” The security detail usually parked directly in front of the Alito household or across the street from them.

This incident reportedly occurred during the dispute over the display of that MAGA flag. “I took that as directly threatening,” Emily said. But now, in the time since this scandal broke, both Emily and her husband say the car is back. They say it showed up two weeks ago after the New York Times published the story about alleged misconduct by Justice Alito and his wife.

“I couldn’t say who was in the car because of the tinted glass and nobody ever said anything.” Her husband says he, too, remembers the car. It appeared to be a large black security SUV. Baden also says Alito lied in his statement, including that she had “initiated any confrontation” with the Alito’s.

This is quite concerning. As Bill Palmer said in another article, Alito broke the cardinal rule of corrupt Justices — he came in from the dark edge of town and let everyone see him. Now, his name is known even to people who perhaps could not have named one court justice.

It’s not over yet, it would appear. I imagine all of this is driving ole Sammy crazy. This story is not only disturbing but creepy in a hair-stand- on end kind of way. It’s eerie in its menace — sort of like the Alito’s themselves.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now: