Samuel Alito may have just gotten busted lying to Congress

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We’re not going to be able to get rid of Samuel Alito simply because he put a flag over his house. But he unwittingly did us the favor of allowing himself to be pushed out front and made a face of right wing extremist villainy. Whereas Clarence Thomas has long proudly been out there as a high profile villain, Alito has always tried to operate just under the radar. Thanks to his flag scandal, everyone now knows that he’s as responsible for the fall of Roe v. Wade as any of the other sickos on the court.

The worse the Alito flag scandal gets for him, the more it’ll help the Democrats in November. And that’ll help pave the way for court expansion, or the replacement of Alito with a liberal Justice if he passes away in the next four years.

The Alito flag scandal has indeed taken an ugly new turn, as his neighbor has gone public with the scandal:

Crucially, it appears that Alito may have lied to Congress in his recent letter. That’s a big deal, given that people can potentially be criminally charged for lying to Congress. Alito is rapidly going from quietly doing evil in the shadows, to a high profile villain who’s getting eaten alive by his own scandals.

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