Even some of Trump’s cheerleaders are running away from him

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Donald Trump’s most vocal and effective talking heads are failing him when he really needs them the most. With the recent human rights violations of separating families seeking asylum, we are seeing some of the most ardent Trump supporters speaking out against this new heartbreaking policy. Trump must have realized how bad the situation truly was when the two Senators from Texas, Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, who are typically anti-immigration and in favor of wasting tax dollars on a border wall, are crafting their own legislation to end this inhumane policy.

While being interviewed by Sean Hannity, someone who will likely stick with Trump till the bitter end, Trump supporter Geraldo Rivera asked “This is cruelty as policy. This is an obscenity.” While that was clearly not enough to persuade Hannity to change his view, Rivera then asked, “When did we become the party of child abuse?”

While he has yet to curtail his support of Trump, Rush Limbaugh instead chose to spread insane conspiracy theories about the children being separated from their families. On his daily radio show, Rush quipped, “I wonder, if when we have a story like this where the media is using fake photos of children crying.” Instead of voicing support for Trump’s policy, Rush continued to make excuses and call the media liars. “They may not be at the border. But I wonder how much of this that the media’s doing is to play off and to corral people who are already wimps and linguini-spined when it comes to kids.”

Just last Friday Trump stated, “You can’t do it through an executive order” when asked how to end this policy. It appears that this sudden loss of support from top devotees is enough for Trump to change his mind as he announced, only after backlash and criticism, that he would be signing an executive order to stop the separation of families. While Trump will never apologize for any of his deplorable actions, at least we are starting to see some people come to their senses and speak out against such devastating actions.

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