Rudy Giuliani’s New York Post stunt just turned into even more of a disaster

To give you an idea of just how badly Rudy Giuliani’s “Hunter Biden laptop” story has flopped, his fellow Kremlin asset Ron Johnson resorted to making the desperate false claim today that there were inappropriate pictures of children on the laptop. No one is falling for this crap who wasn’t already voting for Trump, meaning the whole thing was pointless Now it’s gotten even uglier.

It turns out the New York Post article in question – which was so obviously a work of fiction that Twitter banned it from even being linked to – was written by a reporter who ended up having such doubts about the story, he refused to allow his name to be placed on it. The New York Times is reporting that multiple people at the Post thought the story was nonsense. But it gets even worse, because Rudy is now running his mouth.

Rudy admitted that he gave the story to the New York Post because “either nobody else would take it, or if they took it, they would spend all the time they could to try to contradict it before they put it out.” That’s right, Rudy is flat out admitting that if he gave the story to any news outlet that might scrutinize it before publishing it, the story would fall apart and never get published at all. It’s one thing to do this, which is shady. It’s another to admit it out loud, which is stupid and self-sabotaging.

In any case, there is no indication that this phony “Hunter Biden laptop” scandal is having any impact on the outcome of the election. The only people who are choosing to fall for it are the people who were already voting for Trump anyway. It’s simply up to the rest of us to turn out in full force and vote him out.

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