Rudy Giuliani’s bonkers meltdown over Sidney Powell

Now that Sidney Powell’s Fulton County proffer interview has leaked, it’s immediately clear that Donald Trump is totally screwed. Powell has testified that Trump had been told he’d lost the election, and had decided he was going to remain in office anyway. But there’s a whole lot more to it than just Trump.
During her now publicly available proffer interview, Sidney Powell said that she and Rudy Giuliani got into a screaming match at one point as everything was falling apart for them. Giuliani told Powell that she was the worst lawyer he’d ever seen in his life, and called her a “b*tch,” and insisted that he’d never work with her again.
Remember, while Powell gave this testimony last month, this is a shouting match that took place all the way back in the 2020-2021 timeframe. These Trump goons were already turning on each other all the way back then. It’s no surprise that they’re now cutting plea deals against each other. These idiots have had bad blood between them all along.