Rudy Giuliani sees dead people

I must say I do love diamonds. The right diamond can be exquisite. The right diamond has its own special glow, its own shimmering beauty. And I do understand the expression “diamond in the rough.”
But people can also be diamonds in the rough. And we have found one in President Biden. It seems incredible, does it not that we are nearing the one-year anniversary of Biden’s presidency? Time certainly does fly. And though there is so much to be done, I think we can all agree that Biden has accomplished so much and shown himself to be the epitome of kindness, wisdom, and human decency. So this is why many in the GOP want to destroy him.
The words human decency certainly do not apply to many in the insurrection party. And one person who is trying hard in that regard is Rudy Giuliani. Besides Trump, few people have tried so hard to destroy Biden. And few people have changed so drastically as Rudy.
Now, I always felt Rudy was overrated.. He always had a reputation as a bit of a jerk, but after 9/11 happened, many thought him a hero. And now his legacy will be of a crazed Trump sycophant hated by most in New York and reduced to punchline status. And he is not finished.
Per The Insider, Rudy is now claiming he has “900 death certificates” of people who voted in the 2020 election. But Rudy also claimed that the number of dead voters is much higher, like in the thousands.
He did not get much push back, but he was speaking with Mike Lindell — not exactly an example of sanity. Rudy also lost it and started ranting about the election being rigged. “You can’t let 300 dead people vote, much less 6,000,” he screamed.
It did not help matters that Rudy did not produce any evidence. Of course, he didn’t. The insurrection party never produces proof because they’re insane and do not have any. I imagine Rudy’s behavior will be studied by historians. I can think of no better example than Rudy of a widely respected person who has been reduced to a joke, and he did it all to himself with no help at all.
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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report