Rudy Giuliani gives away the game as Mueller Time arrives

With top legal advisors such as Rudy Giuliani, “President” Donald Trump does not stand much of a chance of surviving his worsening criminal scandals. Giuliani is now insisting that there is no need for Special Counsel Robert Mueller to sit down with Trump, and his reasoning is more bizarre than ever.
Giuliani, in his normal nonsensical analysis, noted: “Any question he has on obstruction… the president has given [answers] in interviews, tweets. Other witnesses have given it to him. The law definitely requires that if you’re going to subpoena a president, you have to show that you can’t get the information any place else.”
Perhaps Giuliani is right. If we go down that path, we have the incident where Trump appeared in an interview with Lester Holt and gave his reasons for firing James Comey. Trump has also ranted publicly about reasons for firing Jeff Sessions. Trump also has stated that he fired Mike Flynn because Flynn had lied to the FBI, but also had asked Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn.
What Giuliani’s statements would lend credence to, perhaps, is the strange case of a sealed matter in federal court in Washington DC that Rachel Maddow has been discussing lately. On Tuesday, a 3,000+ word filing was made under seal with the court. Speculation is that this perhaps could be a subpoena of Donald Trump, and that his lawyers are fighting said subpoena. While we don’t know if it is directly related to Trump, it does seem to be connected to the Russia probe.
Perhaps Giuliani is trying to condition the public or convince Mueller. If it’s the latter, Mueller will do what he will do, and to quote Trump on his callous quote about the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, “It is what it is.” In other news on the investigation, Trump has submitted his written answers to Mueller. We eventually will learn what he said but can predict it had a lot of “no collusion” and “witch hunt” references and, according to Giuliani and his other legal eagles, Trump likely did not answer any questions about obstruction. But why would he? Trump has already publicly discussed it and tweeted about it. Mueller Time is here.

Daniel is a lawyer writing and teaching about SCOTUS, and is the author of the book “The Chief Justices” about the SCOTUS as seen through the center seat.