Rudy Giuliani melts down and confesses on live television as Donald Trump’s whistleblower scandal explodes

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Thanks to the details that keep surfacing about the whistleblower complaint against Donald Trump, we all learned this evening that Trump directly called the president of Ukraine and promised some kind of policy favors if Ukraine was willing to promote a phony scandal about Joe Biden. This means Trump put his own fingerprints on a scheme that his sidekick Rudy Giuliani had previously tried to pull off on his own.

As luck would have it, Rudy Giuliani just happened to appear on CNN tonight with host Chris Cuomo. If the mere mention of this evoked visions in your head of Rudy melting down on live television and confessing to his role in the plot, it turns out you’re absolutely correct.

Giuliani sounded completely rabid throughout the interview. When Cuomo asked him if he had asked Ukraine to promote the phony Biden scandal, Rudy initially said no. But when he was asked again, he blurted out “of course I did!” This was so far over the top, it had echoes of Jack Nicholson’s witness stand meltdown in the movie A Few Good Men.

So now what? Rudy Giuliani has now confessed to what had already been reported about his attempts at getting Ukraine to rig the 2020 election in Donald Trump’s favor. This means Rudy has two options going forward. He can either take the fall by claiming that he did it of his own accord, which would be a felony on his part, or he can sell Trump out in an effort to save himself. Considering how far gone Rudy is, we half expect him to just go running off into the wilderness while screaming like a hyena with rabies. No offense to hyenas or rabies.

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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