Rudy Giuliani just found a way to top his drooling, fly down, walking into walls interview

Earlier this month Rudy Giuliani showed up to an interview with his fly down, claimed he was Jewish, began drooling on his sweater, walked into a wall, called everyone “assholes,” and left the interview without his phone. The guy is clearly not well, and the pressure of his upcoming arrest is accelerating whatever is wrong with him. But now he’s arguably found a way to top it all.
Rudy Giuliani almost never gets booked on television anymore. Cable news networks began taking such heat for giving airtime to his incoherent lies, they’ve largely stopped booked him. Even Fox News rarely has him on the air these days. That’s a problem in Rudy’s mind, because he just came back from Ukraine with a bunch of hallucinatory gibberish that he’s certain will exonerate him.
Accordingly, Rudy just posted this tweet: “As we move on from our Christmas Day gifts and fun and fellowship, let’s remember that this picture was not seen on the front pages or in tv news coverage. But it changed history for all humanity.” Rudy appears to be implying that the newspapers and cable news networks of the 0 B.C. era conspired to keep Jesus Christ off the air, but a photograph taken of baby Jesus has nonetheless withstood the test of time. So let’s take a look at the picture that Rudy attached, which he claims is an actual picture of Christ’s birth:
It’s entirely possible Rudy Giuliani doesn’t realize those are mere figurines. Also, we’re guessing that, as far gone as Rudy is, he now thinks cable news and photography actually existed in the time of Christ. After all, his client Donald Trump recently asserted that they had airports during the time of George Washington.