Rudy Giuliani has completely berserk meltdown at Republican National Convention

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To give you an idea of just how hard of a time Donald Trump is having at landing speakers for the 2020 Republican National Convention, he allowed senile lunatic Rudy Giuliani to have a key speaking slot on the final night. To give you an idea of how far Trump himself is gone, he’s also relying on the senile Giuliani as his personal lawyer.

Rudy Giuliani’s speech tonight was so frantic, so incoherent, so unhinged, so broken, we’re not even sure where to start. At one point he said the Trump GOP believes that “all black lives matter” and then a few seconds later he said the Trump GOP believes that “all lives matter.” These are not phrases you want to get confused while trying to convince the public that you’re on top of racial issues. But that was just one part of the debacle.

Rudy ranted and raved about imaginary crime sprees on the part of Black Lives Matter protesters, and he insisted that Democrats are purposely destroying major cities just to try to hurt Donald Trump. Rudy was so far off the rails, he made Ben Carson’s preceding speech seem slightly sane in comparison. By the time Rudy was done demonstrating that he belongs in a rubber room, the normally unflappable Rachel Maddow just stared into the camera in stunned disbelief at what she’d watched – as did we all.

The point of a national political convention is to try to broaden your appeal, bring in new people, and expand your base. Donald Trump didn’t even try to do that. Instead he lined up a series of speakers, no matter how embarrassing, who were willing to kiss his backside. No wonder TV ratings were jarringly low. This convention was a total failure for Trump, even by his standards.

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