Ron Johnson takes the loss

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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report

Everybody has heard the expression “the boy who cried wolf.” This also applies to politicians and, in this particular case, to one Ron Johnson. Johnson is definitely the Senator who has cried wolf so many times I have lost count. His crazed conspiracy theories have caused damage, and he does not appear to be jumping off the crazy train anytime soon. On the contrary, the train is speeding along at full power.

The Wisconsin wolf has come up with a new COVID theory — and it is a doozy. Taking to his second home — Twitter — Johnson has now claimed that mouthwash can reduce Covid — or kill it outright. This does put a new spin on gargling.

According to Johnson, after exposure to saliva, the “viral load” in one’s mouth begins to disintegrate. Sadly for Johnson, mouthwash companies do not seem to agree with him.

This is why several of these companies have now been forced to post warnings on their websites, disputing this claim and asking that customers please not believe the quackery.

Listerine, for example, said this: “Although there are recent lab-based reports (in vitro studies) of some LISTERINE Mouthwashes having activity against enveloped viruses, including Coronavirus, the available data is insufficient, and no evidence-based clinical conclusions can be drawn with regards to the anti-viral efficacy of LISTERINE Antiseptic mouthwash at this time.”

Sounds crazy, does it not? That’s because it IS crazy that Mouthwash companies are forced into this position by a nutter of a Senator.

I do wonder how long until MAGA accuses mouthwash companies of being part of “the deep state.” Johnson will most likely continue to cry wolf because he doesn’t seem to have much else to do except invent wacky theories that don’t make any sense. Hopefully, he will be out of the Senate in the next couple of years.

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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report