Ron DeSantis suddenly has a Roger Stone problem in Florida

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The Republican political landscape in Florida is a powder keg these days. Joel Greenberg, a former Republican official in the state, has confessed to felony child sex trafficking, and is in the process of trying to take down as many of his fellow Florida Republicans as possible in the name of trying to get his sentence reduced.

Greenberg has clear cut ties to Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz, and vague ties to Roger Stone. Then again, every political scandal in Republican politics (or just in Florida in general) tends to find its way back to Stone. Even as we wait for Gaetz to be indicted, and we wait to see if Stone ends up going down for his role in the January 6th attack, Stone has decided to make trouble for yet another Florida Republican:

That’s right, Roger Stone โ€“ who’s flat broke and on his last legs and wakes up every day hoping he doesn’t get arrested again โ€“ has now decided to make a big mess for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

It’s not that we expect Stone to seriously run for Governor โ€“ and even if he did, he wouldn’t have any chance whatsoever of winning. But if he did put his name on the ballot as a third party candidate, it just might take two or three percent of the vote away from DeSantis, thus potentially handing the election to the Democratic candidate.

More to the point, DeSantis should be worried that Roger Stone is publicly threatening him, period. Everything Stone touches turns to mush, and now an increasingly desperate Stone has seemingly decided that going after DeSantis is his key to regaining his own footing. At this point DeSantis should be openly rooting for Stone to be federally indicted sooner rather than later.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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