Ron DeSantis’ stuffed turkey moment

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Ron DeSantis? Governor Ron DeSantis (as appealing as sewage water, Florida, insurrection party) has disgraced himself and become America’s laughing stock by cutting a new political ad that shows him to be the absolute fool that he is.

In this goofy ad, Dorky DeSantis trying to channel his best Tom Cruise and failing miserably, talks about taking on the media. The ad is filled with DeSantis proudly refusing to take questions from journalists.

DeSantis, clad in a cheesy leather jacket, talks through the ad in his whiny, nasal voice that is enough to give one an anxiety attack just hearing it. This ad was penned by a Governor desperate to look cool who made himself look like an utter idiot.

DeSantis is that kid in high school, trying desperately to be in the “in crowd,” copying their manner of dress, their ways of speaking, and coming off like a little ball of cheese standing alone.

Twitter lit up with jeers. Even pundits (for once) had to shake their heads in dismay. Even Jake Tapper was mostly quiet — a true miracle. The message was clear. WHAT ON EARTH WAS DESANTIS THINKING?

DeSantis clearly is not made for prime-time and probably was NOT thinking anything except how cool he is. That’s the thing about wimps like DeSantis. They are their own own biggest fans. The commercial was a disaster and everywhere people spoke about it, wondering whose great idea it was to let the mad Governor go rogue.

This underscores what we already know. DeSantis is not the savior many on the right were thinking he might be.

DeSantis has about as much political style as a sinking ship. This non-ad only underscores that. If he actually runs for President, everybody will see that. The man has clearly let all the publicity go to his head, resulting in a self-inflicted wound that only he could have made.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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