Ron DeSantis sinks to a whole new level of idiocy

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If one is looking for a gentle and politically correct article featuring high praise and glowing recommendations — this is not that article. If one is looking for an article purely about a babbling idiot — a “candidate” to be ashamed of — a person capable of rendering crowds of people into complete laughing hysteria –, you’ve found that article.

This article is about Ron DeSantis — and never has a more babbling idiot been found. Dopey DeSantis has a VERY high opinion of himself; it would seem. In fact, said opinion is so very high it produced — this. A new ad for Desantis has come out.

In this ad, one can see the penny-dreadful monster in fighting mode as a narrator who must have been paid quite a bit, speaks. What the narrator says is a continuation of the Bible’s “creation story.” How –strange.

The six days, God works hard, and then God, needing some rest as we all do sometimes, takes a break on the seventh day. And on the eighth day, God makes Ron DeSantis. I’m not joking.

“God looks down on his work,” says the narrator solemnly. And somehow, in his looking down, God makes a fateful decision. He needs to create a protector.

“So, God made a fighter!” says the narrator as the face of the bonkers DeSantis slowly fills the screen, much to the horror of any sane individual.

“God said, I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, kiss his family goodbye, travel thousands of miles for no other reason than to serve the people, to save their jobs, livelihoods, and liberty. their happiness.”

The end. I think the ad would have been more accurate had it been more like this: “I need somebody to destroy Florida, insult children, screw up the response to a pandemic and disrespect Disney-world, which I ALSO created.” Only God would never say this because God is good.

No, this is not the twilight zone. This happened. The question is why. Could the aliens Marco Rubio is always hunting for have landed in Florida and convinced DeSantis to do this? Could Donald Trump REALLY possess telekinesis and transmitted the message to DeSantis to run this ad in an attempt to destroy his candidacy? Or is Ron just a babbling idiot? I am going with door number three — the idiot door.

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.