Ron DeSantis’ Regeneron scandal just got a whole lot uglier

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Every political journalist needs to spend 2022 looking into why Ron DeSantis has spent the pandemic promoting a very expensive COVID treatment from Regeneron, even to the point of dishonestly steering Floridians away from the vaccine so more people would get severe COVID and thus need Regeneron.

Now that the FDA is pulling the Regeneron treatment because it’s ineffective against Omicron, DeSantis is demanding that the Regeneron treatment be reinstated – even though Regeneron itself has acknowledged that its treatment no longer works. That’s a huge red flag.

Why has Ron DeSantis spent the bulk of the pandemic doing everything he could to administer as many doses of this specific treatment as possible? Why is he still hawking this specific treatment now that everyone involved acknowledges that it doesn’t work?

Investigative journalists should be looking into every inch of Ron DeSantis’ campaign funding and personal finances to determine whether or not his obsessive and absurd hawking of Regeneron has been spurred by a financial motive. Journalists should also be looking into whether DeSantis’ top donors have financial ties to Regeneron.

To be clear, the Regeneron treatment was effective against previous COVID variants (all of which have since been wiped out by Omicron). There’s no evidence that Regeneron itself has done anything underhanded. But there’s no possible above board explanation for why Ron DeSantis has spent so long obsessively hawking the Regeneron treatment in such obsessive and dishonest fashion. We need answers.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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