Ron DeSantis is proving he’s just terrible at this

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Politics has many components to it, but one thing — one thing one can ALWAYS count on is:
There will be drama. Drama in politics is similar to viruses on computers. It’s always close by lurking, it never goes away, AND most importantly — just when you think you’ve conquered it, it comes roaring back in a newer, more dastardly incarnation.

One can be assured of this. This is why the latest comment from Governor Ron DeSantis is one for the history books! DeSantis has said the way one governs is: “without drama.”

Now what Ronny boy presumably MEANT by this is that in a DeSantis government, there would be no drama. All Ron really wants he claims, is to be a low maintenance President, a quiet and unobtrusive one who gets things done by hook or by crook, with little drama getting in the way.

What do I have to say to that? Ha! If Non-Governor DeSantis really thinks that is at all possible, he doesn’t know politics. There is ALWAYS drama to be had. And in a DeSantis presidency (which won’t happen but let’s for a minute get delusional and pretend that it would), there would be drama seemingly every DAY.

That is because the man hates reporters, so one could presume he’d be secretive. The antisocial governor also likes getting into fights with people he deems too “woke.” And he sure as hell wants to ban things. Every week the media is buzzing with reports on something new that has caught the squeaky-voiced man’s eye and that needs to be banned.

So DeSantis can SAY that but if he really means it, he’s as delusional as Donald Trump. There will always be drama in politics. And with a DeSantis presidency, there would be drama, perhaps hourly. Man, oh man, is Ron bad at this!

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