Ron DeSantis’ private army

We need to raise $3133 to keep our fight going against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.

Sometimes the most dangerous people are not necessarily the first of the wicked, but who and what comes after them. In other words, the monster that is created — born out of the actions of the wicked one can be even more dangerous.

This is a conversation we’ve had — the fact that Trump isn’t the most dangerous man in the country anymore. But his spawn are — the wave of mini-Trumps who watched their teacher carefully and ardently — memorizing everything he did, seeking to know what worked and what did not.

And perhaps the most dangerous is Floridian Governor Ron DeSantis. DeSantis has not stopped lately as he busily violates the rights of his constituents, bullies innocent companies, and, in general, makes Floridan’s life a living hell.

His latest move is to create a new police force. This will be an “election police force.” The force is SUPPOSEDLY meant to combat election crimes. That isn’t what this bill is for.

Not at all. DeSantis wants to win his election this year. And he will use intimidating tactics to win — he will use any means necessary.

That is because DeSantis — his character — exists because of Trump. He is one of Trump’s monsters but a more dangerous version because he knows how to pass legislation.

It is therefore essential that we defeat DeSantis not just by a point or two but by a relatively large number.
I know how difficult this race will be. But we must do it.

I do not believe DeSantis will ever be President, but I think he could win again as Florida governor — if we let him. DeSantis doesn’t see Florida as a land of beauty. He is oblivious to the charm, the glitter, the utter magic of the palm tree state.

What he sees is a toy he can amuse himself with — a swing he can keep pushing — higher and higher until it’s out of control and vanishes into the clouds. He is seeking to change Florida’s whole identity — it’s core. We must not let him.

We need to raise $3133 to keep our fight going against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.