Ron DeSantis just made a huge mistake

Ron DeSantis is now attacking his own state’s highest profile business entity, Walt Disney World, calling it “Woke Disney.” Keep it up, dummy. DeSantis keeps trying to be Trump, who lost by 7 million votes.
Worse than that for DeSantis, he’s not even any good at trying to be Trump. Trump at least had the sense to try to pick stupid fights that weren’t going to hurt him with his own voting demographic. There’s a reason Trump frequently attacked General Motors but not Ford. But DeSantis can only cost himself votes in Florida by attacking Disney like this – at a time when DeSantis is already facing a tough reelection battle in Florida in November.
The general pattern is that whenever Ron DeSantis starts running his mouth and the media covers it, the general public decides he’s an idiot and his approval rating drops. Whenever DeSantis shuts up for awhile, or the media ignores him for awhile, the general public seems to forget what an idiot he is, and his approval rating goes back up. In that sense, if you’re rooting for DeSantis’ downfall, you should root for him to keep running his ignorant bigoted mouth.