Ron DeSantis just lost

The future loser of the 2022 Florida Governor’s race, Ron DeSantis, is not having a good day. This, of course, means that we, the people, are having a GREAT day! Because one knows if DeSantis is angry, that means something terrific happened for our side. And so it has. DeSantis had been trying for quite a long time to put in place a new Congressional map in Florida.
The was a problem, however. And that problem is the map was racist, illegal, and unconstitutional. So he was taken to court on the subject. And it would appear a Florida Judge agrees. That is why the Judge has declared Ron’s map is likely unconstitutional. Way to go, Ron!
What makes this decision all the more delicious is the Judge who decided this case — is a DeSantis appointee. One just would not have been able to write this any better. This Judge — J. Layne Smith, also said he’d be issuing an injunction against the map.
Smith said Ron’s map “diminishes African Americans’ ability to elect the representative of their choice.”
How angry DeSantis must be now! I wonder if he will start calling the Judge “woke.” This map would have eliminated two districts. And both these districts are Democratic and represented by Black Democrats.
This didn’t appear to matter to DeSantis, who had previously declared this was the map he wanted. Only what Ronny wants, Ronny doesn’t always get.
Smith, in his ruling, suggested two other maps that had been presented could be the basis on which to draw a new map.
The problem is DeSantis had vetoed both these maps previously. He wanted only the unconstitutional one — he likely wanted it BECAUSE it’s unconstitutional. This is a win for us and a definite loss for DeSantis.
If DeSantis had stopped demanding to have things his way and only his way, he might not have found himself in this position. But because it appears DeSantis hates the idea of teamwork, he did. Welcome to the real world, Ronny. And in the real world, the bottom line is — sometimes you lose.