Ron DeSantis just blew it royally

Contrary to a what a really annoying troll said, I do not speak about Greek Mythology because I’m a know-it-all. There are many things of which I know nothing. Sports is one. I salute those who are experts in football or golf.They’re a bit beyond me. I sometimes use mythology because I find the symbolism fascinating. Another thing I’m no expert in is understanding the mind of Governor Ron DeSantis. And judging from recent coverage of him, I’m not alone.
I often call DeSantis Medusa’s brother. This is because DeSantis reminds me strongly of Medusa, whom the Goddess Athena had the pleasure of dealing with by turning his hair into snakes. DeSantis may not have a hair full of writhing snakes, but he does have a curse — his own ego.
And his decision to go up against Mickey Mouse was definitely not a good one. You know it’s bad when even the media is actually covering you with some degree of honesty. Disney has thousands of employees. They’re one of the single biggest employer in Florida. They’re also a tourism mecca.
Now, Desantis has yanked away from their special status. And guess who might be paying for it? His constituents. Local residents may see their taxes go up. They may see them go up A LOT. There can be reportedly over $1 billion in liabilities. All because of a perturbed little monster’s ego.
Did you know that reports say local residents’ taxes could go up by as much as 20 percent?
This is because of the dissolving of the Reedy Creek special status. Reedy Creek oversees maintenance, fire protection safety, and upkeep.
“Florida Today” says dissolving Reedy Creek is akin to dissolving “a city.” Oh, dear. “Dramatic impacts are expected.”
MSNBC discussed the issue, and few had optimism that this was a good decision by DeSantis. Orange County. Osceola County. They would be picking up the costs. I imagine tax-payers are not happy. I imagine Disney isn’t happy. And DeSantis only won by a tiny bit last time.
Getting DeSantis — Medusa’s brother — the little monster — whatever one wants to call him — out of office is and must be a PRIORITY. And with his latest utterly incompetent move, DeSantis may have just given us some help in that regard.