Donald Trump’s stooge Ron DeSantis goes off the Florida deep end

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is a close ally of Donald Trump, so you already knew going into this that DeSantis was going to turn out to be dishonest, corrupt, thuggish, and wildly incompetent. Sure enough, now that the coronavirus crisis is closing in on Florida, DeSantis is going off the deep end.

Ron DeSantis held a press conference today so he could tell a bunch of lies about how he’s handling the coronavirus crisis. Then he pulled a trick right out of Donald Trump’s bag. The Miami Herald and Tampa Bay Times have been leading the way in exposing DeSantis’s negligent coronavirus response, so he banned them from today’s press conference.

This comes even as Ron DeSantis tries to scapegoat New Yorkers for the coronavirus outbreak in Florida, even though it’s largely a result of his own refusal to cancel spring break and close Florida’s beaches. When this is over, DeSantis needs to face criminal charges of negligent homicide for his intentionally dishonest handing of the coronavirus crisis.

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