After all that bluster, Roger Stone has caved in Trump-Russia scandal

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It turns out Roger Stone’s increasingly belligerent bravado in the Trump-Russia scandal has been full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. As Special Counsel Robert Mueller has secured one cooperating witness against Stone after another, Stone has responded by cursing out those witnesses, making strange television appearances, and claiming he’s been poisoned. We’ve even wondered if he was staging an insanity defense. But now it turns out Stone is caving.

Roger Stone has suddenly decided to comply with a six month old request from Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein, the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Stone is turning over Trump-Russia documents to Feinstein regarding his communications with “all Trump campaign officials” according to a PBS report, which appears to include Stone’s communications with Donald Trump himself.

Mueller has managed to get a number of Roger Stone’s associates to agree to testify against him, including Sam Nunberg, Ted Malloch, possibly Randy Credico, and apparently one more unnamed individual. If Mueller’s grand jury considers at least one of these witnesses to be credible, it’ll issue an indictment against Stone, which will give Mueller the green light to arrest him. Stone has reacted in increasingly hyperbolic and cartoonish fashion, raising questions about whether he’ll have the sense to cut a plea deal against Trump when the time soon arrives. However, his latest move paints a different story.

So why is Roger Stone suddenly cooperating with one of the most powerful Democrats in the Senate? Too little detail has been made public about it to spell it out for sure. But the more Stone cooperates with Trump-Russia investigators in Congress, the more it signals that A) he’s afraid of what’s about to happen to him in the Trump-Russia scandal, and B) he’ll be willing to cooperate with Robert Mueller once he has to.

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