Roger Stone has deranged meltdown ahead of his arrest

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We still don’t know precisely when Special Counsel Robert Mueller will arrest Donald Trump’s sidekick Roger Stone, and Roger Stone’s sidekick Jerome Corsi. But by all accounts it’s coming very soon. In the meantime, these guys are turning on each other in remarkably swift and ugly fashion.

We’ve all heard Jerome Corsi announce that he’s refusing to cut a plea deal on perjury charges, because in his deranged mind, his lies weren’t lies. That said, Corsi is claiming that he told the grand jury that he helped Roger Stone come up with a phony story for Stone to tell Congress about Trump-Russia. This alone is enough to incriminate Stone for perjury, even without Corsi cutting a deal. Suffice it to say that Stone is feeling the heat.

Roger Stone posted this on his infamous Instagram account: “So Jerry Corsi was working with Mueller to sandbag me on a fabricated perjury charge. Mueller’s minion even promised Corsi no jail time if he would lie and say he gave me John Podesta’s stolen e-mails (which he did NOT) Then they were going to say I passed them on to Trump (which I did NOT) . Jerry was willing to LIE about me but not himself ! Now Jerry is lying about legitimate research he did for me regarding the Podesta brothers lucrative business in Russia. Jerry Corsi is starting to make Michael Cohen look like a stand up guy.”

This tells us two things. First, based on his more frantic than usual tone, Roger Stone thinks he’s going down soon. Second, Stone has convinced himself that it’s all Corsi’s fault he’s going down, simply because Corsi appears to have told some of the truth about Stone, even while lying about the rest. Perhaps Stone should blame his own life of crime for his troubles – but that would be too easy.

STOP TRUMP! Palmer Report is fighting more aggressively than ever on the editorial and activism fronts. We need to raise $6,141 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate $20.