Rinse and repeat

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can

In times of war, each side assesses the other, looking for the other side’s strengths and weaknesses, hoping to find that one big weakness, that one Achilles Heel. The term Achilles Heel refers, of course, to Achilles himself—the warrior of the Trojan War who was a spectacular fighter but had one weakness: a wound to his heel. This is how the term was born. In times of war, it’s important to know one’s enemy as well as one’s own side. Sun Tzu wrote all about this in the classic “The Art of War.”

“Trump’s Achilles heel.” Behold this headline: “The Democrats have found Trump’s Achilles Heel: ridicule him.” It’s true. Remember what we did to Larry Elder — we ridiculed him, and he lost. Remember what we did to Ron DeSantis — we ridiculed him, and he lost.

Bill Palmer has consistently recognized this as a valuable tool in the political trade as he told us. The fact is that mockery IS Donald Trump’s Achilles heel, just like it was for Elder, DeSantis, and scores of other little republican villains.

Nothing drives a bully crazier than mockery. This is because bullies are, of course, the most thin-skinned people on the planet. They can dish it out, but they can NEVER EVER take it, and when they are mocked, such a thing enrages them. “Donald Trump is in free-fall.” He is. Part of that reason is the Harris team — and the continued mocking.

Everything about Trump is being mocked right now, and thus, his rage has climbed to the top of the rage meter. “Weird.” This one word has destabilized not just Donald Trump but many republicans.

It’s rather amazing to think about. Republicans — all they do is bully people, insult people, disrespect and make cruel fun of ANYONE who isn’t like them. But throw in a “WEIRD” or two, and their egos seemingly can’t handle it.

“Work of genius.” Those words describe the Harris/Walz campaign’s creative ideas for getting under Donald Trump’s skin. They’re like honeybees with comical stingers, and every time Donald Trump gets stung (and there have been LOTS of stings lately), he gets crazier and crazier. A pattern has been established.

Harris/Walz campaign — sting Donald Trump on his weirdness. Donald Trump — launches into a babble that nobody can understand. Harris/Walz campaign — rinse and repeat.

So, yes, I love this method of driving Donald Trump crazy by activating his Achilles heel. The Harris campaign may have read the Art of War. They know EXACTLY what they’re doing, and so far, Donald’s Achilles Heel is twisting in the wind.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can