Right off the lunatic deep end

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Do you remember when Bill Palmer wrote an article saying the best way to defeat Ron DeSantis was to mock him and not to appear afraid of him but to call out his weirdness in all its strange glory? Well — that is what we did, and it worked. Ron DeSantis was foiled. He will never be President of the United States except in his fantasies.

So, we must ALSO do this with all Republicans in the 2024 election. The fact of the matter is Republicans are oddballs, out of step with the American people, relics from another century that we would not ever want to go back to.

Case in point: Let’s take a look at what’s happening in Colorado right now. The Colorado GOP is furious. How do I know this? These human oddities of nature have called for ALL CHILDREN to be pulled from the public school system. If that isn’t weird enough to raise eyebrows, I don’t know what it is.

There is a new measure in Colorado schools that requires children be addressed by the names of their own choice. Uh-oh. That is all it took, friends and teachers. That is all it took for LGBTQ-phobic Republicans to send out an email calling for all parents in the state to remove their kiddos from all public schools.

They said in their email blast that Democrats are “turning more kids Trans.” Now I ask you this — what do you think the fine people of Colorado think about when they think about the issues?

Like everyone, they think about women having control over their own bodies. They think about the economy (which has been looking so good). They think about climate change and health care and social security being protected. They are NOT up all night OBSESSING over Trans kids. No way, no how, no chance.

“In reality,” Republicans say in their email blast, “All Colorado parents should be aiming to remove their kids from public education.” Sigh. When will these creatures of abnormality realize the country is not with them?

Pull kids out of school for WHAT? To satisfy the Trans–phobic republicans? Where would they then put them? Most people work. They do not home school, many do not have the money for private school, and last but certainly not least, MOST PEOPLE DO NOT CARE.

Republicans are screaming into the void. As the election comes into focus, let’s do with them EXACTLY what we did with DeSantis — name them, shame them and highlight their abnormal thinking for the whole world to see.

LET'S FINISH THIS! We need just $1906 to reach our goal and continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.