Donald Trump’s stooge Rick Scott goes completely off the rails

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Republican Senator and career criminal Rick Scott introduced legislation today that says any vote not counted within twenty-four hours of the election won’t be counted at all. To be clear, there is literally zero chance this legislation will pass; even if it somehow makes it through the Senate, the House will obviously kill it, end of story. So why is Scott even doing this?

Rick Scott clearly has two goals here. First, he’s trying to blow smoke up Donald Trump’s backside. Trump knows he’s losing badly, and he’s too far behind for any cheating or rigging schemes to help him. But he doesn’t want to hear that. So Scott is telling Trump what he wants to hear โ€“ that there’s still some hope Trump can somehow magically throw out millions of ballots โ€“ even though that’s laughably impossible.

Secondly, Rick Scott is hoping you’re gullible enough to think that this legislation is somehow magically going to become law. He’s trying to scare you into not putting in the work required to win the election. Best thing you can do is ignore this kind of nonsense, and invest your time on things like voter registration and voulnteering. That’s how you actually win.

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