Rick Scott and the GOP are coming for your money

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

There has always been a myth that was created and perpetuated by corrupt Republicans that the majority of the American people are lazy. This mythical tale, spun with smarmy expertise by the lowest politicians in power, has gone on for decades. It has also helped Republicans very much. By perpetuating this lie — the myth of the “lazy American,” Republicans like Rick Scott can blame all the country’s problems on sloth.

Are people struggling to make ends meet? It’s the fault of the lazy American. People want a minimum wage increase? That is because of the lazy American. The lazy American has become the face of the GOP and all their attempts to gut welfare, health insurance, fair pay, and everything else they can think of.

In reality, most of America is NOT lazy. Most Americans work hard. Most of us want the country to be a better place. And whatever we do — most of us do it to the very best of our ability. One would not know that listening to Senators like Rick Scott, though. And I mention him specifically because Scott just ordered Americans to get “back to work.”

Scott was “on assignment” on Fox non-news when he made this comment. He was talking up his plans to raise taxes on — well, almost everybody (except millionaires, of course.) But he wants YOU to know it’s YOUR fault — because you’re a lazy American.

Pay attention to the subliminal messaging here, my friends: “If you are able-bodied,” Scott said solemnly. “You don’t have young children, you know, incapacitated dependent; get to work!”

The irony here should not escape you. Did you know Senator Scott is also this country’s richest Senator? It’s true! Why is it nearly always the rich ones who whine about the lazy American?

Now here is a question: Rick Scott — how many days a week does HE work? (This is rhetorical.)

So, what we have here, is a wealthy and privileged spoiled brat of a senator attempting to frame hard-working Americans as do-nothings. Not only is it pathetic, but it’s also soulless. In reality — the lazy American is Scott and people of his ilk.

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer