Richard Burr just took his parting shot at Donald Trump

On Wednesday, the Feds seized the cellphone of Republican Senator Richard Burr in relation to an insider trading probe – but the Feds didn’t appear to be taking similar action against the other Republican Senators involved in the insider trading plot. On Thursday Burr agreed to step aside as Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, suggesting that the Trump regime had singled him out for prosecution specifically to try to force him out of the role.
Richard Burr is a corrupt criminal and he is guilty in this insider trading probe. But he’s also consistently taken his committee’s Trump-Russia investigation seriously, which is likely why the Trump regime is targeting him. Burr formally stepped down as Senate Intel Committee Chair today, but he took a parting shot in the process.
Burr submitted the fifth and final volume of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Trump-Russia investigation report for declassification today, according to NBC News. The Trump regime will fight hard to keep it from being declassified, but it’s a battle that Trump and his people could end up losing, for various reasons.
When you consider that the first four volumes of the Senate Intel Committee’s findings didn’t do much of anything to sway the election when they were released, there isn’t necessarily any reason to believe that the fifth volume will change a lot of minds, even if it is released. Then again, Donald Trump appears to have ousted Burr specifically to try to prevent this next report from being released, so we’ll see what happens.