Senator Richard Blumenthal says there’s “plenty” of dirt in FBI report on Brett Kavanaugh

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Earlier today, Senate Judiciary Committee ranking member Dianne Feinstein stated that the new FBI report reveals “misconduct” on the part of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. She didn’t go into detail, as Senators are not allowed to publicly discuss the contents of the report. Palmer Report suggested at the time that Senate Democrats were seeking to create public pressure for the report to be released, so they could get away with making it happen.

Now another Democratic Senator who has seen the report, Richard Blumenthal, is also weighing in on the matter. He appeared on the Chris Hayes show on MSNBC tonight and stated this about the report: “There’s plenty there that would support claims of misconduct” on the part of Brett Kavanaugh. We wouldn’t be shocked if, by tomorrow, there’s enough public demand to see this report that we’ll begin seeing portions of it leak. Of course we already have a couple clues.

When Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell went to extreme steps to keep the FBI report a secret, he seemed to give away that there were some things in the report that could further turn public sentiment against Brett Kavanaugh, making it even harder for the Senate swing voters to support him. Last night Democratic Senator Dick Durbin revealed that one of the previous background checks revealed something about “inappropriate sexual behavior or alcohol abuse” on Kavanaugh’s part.

Again, the Senate Democrats aren’t allowed to publicly reveal the dirt that the FBI found on Brett Kavanaugh in either the current FBI report or the previous FBI background checks. Will they end up revealing it anyway? Sure, if necessary. But it’ll be more effective if they build up public demand for its release first, before dropping the bomb. Clearly, the Democrats still have something up their sleeve – and this is far from over.

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