Donald Trump’s reverse psychology isn’t fooling anyone

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

Now that Donald Trump is finally figuring out how badly he lost in the midterm elections, he’s trying out a new strategy: trying to get the Democrats to turn against each other by falsely “siding” with some of the most effective leaders in the Democratic Party, in the hope of making them toxic to their own party. His reverse psychology isn’t fooling anyone.

Earlier this week Palmer Report brought you the story of how the supposed “progressive challenge” to Nancy Pelosi was actually being engineered by a small handful of centrist House Democrats with ulterior motives. This morning Trump more or less gave away his own involvement in the plot to take down Pelosi when he posted this tweet: “I can get Nancy Pelosi as many votes as she wants in order for her to be Speaker of the House. She deserves this victory, she has earned it – but there are those in her party who are trying to take it away. She will win!”

In other words, Donald Trump is scared to death of what the House will be able to do to him if it’s led by a savvy and proven Speaker like Nancy Pelosi, so he’s trying to turn the far left against her by pretending to align himself with her. But this doesn’t appear to be working. Even as the small band of centrist Democrats continues to insist that the far left doesn’t want Pelosi as Speaker, progressive Democratic Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal tweeted her full support for Pelosi. Then far left progressive group MoveOn endorsed Pelosi as well.

But that didn’t stop Donald Trump from trying out some more reverse psychology. He tried to turn the Democrats against their own rising star, Andrew Gillum, by posting this tweet: “Congratulations to Andrew Gillum on having run a really tough and competitive race for Governor of the Great State of Florida. He will be a strong Democrat warrior long into the future – a force to reckon with!” This comes after Trump spent months hurling thinly veiled racist insults at Gillum. Trump isn’t turning over a new leaf; he’s simply trying out new divisive antics.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer