James Comey’s revenge on Donald Trump

Friday the 13th started off just like any other day – with a Donald Trump Twitter rant utilizing pitiful nicknames and demonstrably false claims. James Comey’s new book includes a couple of Trump’s obstruction of justice attempts, as well as the fact that Trump is shorter in person than Comey first thought while having tiny hands that everyone already knew. Trump’s resulting tweet called Comey a “proven LEAKER & LIAR” which is strange because that’s not accurate but comes amid the revelation that Trump has pardoned an actual leaker and liar in Scooter J. Libby, the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, who received a prison sentence in 2007 for lying to the FBI and obstruction of justice.
While many conservatives have been pushing Trump to pardon Libby, one of the loudest voices demanding this has been from Joe diGenova, a Trump legal confidant known for promoting conspiracy theories about the FBI and DOJ. A vocal proponent of Trump firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, diGenova has been making the rounds on several new outlets. Talking to ABC, diGenova made the claim that Rosenstein should be fired for authorizing what he called an “unconstitutional search” of the home, office, and hotel room of Michael Cohen, Trump’s personal lawyer.
It’s no coincidence that diGenova has recently been making the rounds on television and talking regularly with Trump. With the upcoming release of Comey’s book, it’s important to remember that diGenova had a large role in pushing conspiracy theories about Comey and his 2016 investigation into Hillary Clinton. While we often think of Rudy Giuliani as the one predicting Comey would reopen the Clinton investigation, even saying an “October Surprise” was coming, many feel that diGenova played an even bigger role, as top pollster Nate Silver has suggested that the “Comey Letter” likely swung the election to Trump.
Despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, Donald Trump is being told by diGenova that insulting and inventing false stories about Comey is his only chance at discrediting the former Director of the FBI. If this seems like a childish and fruitless attempt, that is because it certainly is. Trump has insulted just about every person on the planet, short of Vladimir Putin and Stormy Daniels. As more stories emerge from Comey’s book, we can be sure the Twitter tirade will intensify. I’m sure Comey, who knows better than most that Trump is going to prison, will be fine with Trump’s twitter attacks as they do Comey no harm but certainly drive up interest and publicity for his new book.

I’m a ceramic engineer living in Central New York, avid sports fan but find myself more interested in politics lately.